Jessika Richter

Jessika Richter

Jessika Richter

Lund University

Jessika is an Associate Senior Lecturer at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University. She conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on policies and initiatives enabling sustainable consumption through a circular economy, including repair, reuse, longer product lifetimes, extended producer responsibility (EPR), green procurement, circular business practices and circular city initiatives. In particular, Jessika has researched advances, trade-offs and challenges with more circular electronics, batteries, and vehicles. She has experience with qualitative research methods, multi-criteria policy evaluation methods, and quantitative life cycle methods (I.e. LCA, LCC, MFA). Jessika is involved in teaching in Masters programmes at the IIIEE and also in the design and running of massive open online courses such at the Circular Economy: sustainable materials management on the Coursera platform.