EU 1.5° Lifestyles Multi-stakeholder Workshop: Co-developing strategies to mainstream sustainable lifestyles

International Multistakeholder workshops

As part of our series of events, organised in the context of our Communication & Dissemination activity, this engaging dialogue focuses on promoting lifestyles aligned with the 1.5° target of the Paris Agreement. As a dynamic side event at the SCORAI Conference in Lund (Sweden), this workshop is designed to spark ideas, stimulate discussion, and set the tone for the thought-provoking conversations ahead. Participants will delve into transformative pathways toward sustainable living and get into the mindset for the conference.


The EU1.5° Lifestyles project will present its results and will invite participants to jointly develop time-sensitive strategies for how stakeholders can effectively facilitate and support necessary transformations in lifestyles and societal sustainability.


International Stakeholder workshops