We're launching a series of challenges! The 1.5° Challenges are designed to help you get closer to the 1.5° lifestyle in four areas of your life. Our aim is to inform you, make you think and give you practical tips on how to make a change. Join us, make a difference and be part of the solution!
Challenge 1: Car-free Is Possible
October – November 2024
In this challenge, we are asking you to #movecarfree and put down your car for as many days of each week as possible.
Challenge 2: The Winter Holiday Challenge
December 2024
In this challenging, we are inviting you to find out how to celebrate a #onepointfiveholiday with lower carbon footprint.
Challenge 3: The Food Challenge
January 2025
In this challenge, we are asking you to become #plantbasednowaste. In other words, try following a plant-based diet and reduce your food waste.
Challenge 4: The 1.5° Footprint Challenge
February 2025
In the final challenge, we are urging you to calculate your carbon footprint and find out what your most important lifestyle impact is towards reaching #onepointfivefootprint.
Get involved and:
SHARE our posts, COMMENT on our posts, DO the challenge, POST about your experience, SUBMIT your story and WIN one of our prizes!
You can send us your own success story towards 1.5° lifestyles at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Citizen_challenges
Learn more: https://onepointfivelifestyles.eu/EU1_5-degree-challenges
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