1.5° Lifestyles at home - Workshop series by GreenDependent Institute in Hungary
Last week EU 1.5° Lifestyles partner, GreenDependent Institute in Hungary, kicked off their online workshop series called 1.5 degree lifestyles at home.
Reaching 1.5-Degree Lifestyles with the Climate Puzzle at the Nordic COP26 Hub Helsinki
How could we help individuals and households truly realize the importance of lifestyle change and the various ways in which lifestyle carbon footprints can be reduced? D-mat has been working on…
10 New Insights in Climate Science Report includes focus on the need to support lifestyles change
This year’s 10 New Insights in Climate Science Report finds that supporting household behaviour changes is a crucial but often overlooked opportunity for climate action.
New research from the Hot or Cool Institute analyses lifestyle carbon footprints from nine G20 countries around the world
The new 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Towards a Fair Consumption Space for All report released by the Hot or Cool Institute is based on data from Canada, Finland, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Turkey…
EnergyNeighborhoods Wins 2021 EU Sustainable Energy Engagement Award
The EnergyNeighbourhoods programme helps citizens take action against climate change without any investment but by changing their everyday behavior. Communities across Hungary have shown that by…
Why Do We Need 1.5° Lifestyles?
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project aims to mainstream 1.5° Lifestyles. But what do we mean by lifestyles, and why 1.5°? We know that our lifestyles have to change if we are to mitigate the worst effects…
A warm welcome to all of you!
We are very excited to start our newsletter series on the Horizon 2020 funded EU 1.5° Lifestyles project. From today onwards, we will inform you about all relevant news and insights regarding the…