The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project identified 50 key lifestyle options to mainstream to help achieve the 1.5°C target. These options were identified through literature review and expert interviews and used in Citizen Thinking Labs to engage with citizens in five countries (Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden). The Citizen Thinking Labs are pioneering in their integration of gamification and participatory methods. They emphasise the necessity of combining individual behavioural shifts with systemic changes, providing a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders.
This policy brief proposes ambitious measures to enable some of the most impactful lifestyle changes identified in the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project—options that received high acceptability in the Thinking Labs. It incorporates solutions suggested by participants and insights from those already adopting low-carbon lifestyles. The policy measures include a case study that provides evidence on their current application, highlighting the need for scaling up. To ensure successful replication and upscaling, however, it is important that these policies are adapted to local contexts through participatory processes.