PB#3: Countering rebound effects

Work package
Work Package 6

The EU 1.5°C Lifestyles project highlights four key low-carbon behaviours with substantial climate mitigation potential, 1) Reduce car use and switch to public transport, cycling and walking, 2) Use renewable heating/energy systems and reduce floorspace, 3) Move towards plant-based nutrition, and 4) Reduce flying (see Policy Brief 2). While such behaviours can lower consumption-related climate impacts, the so-called “rebound effects” may inadvertently drive increased consumption. Individuals with pro-environmental values and supportive community networks are more likely to sustain low-carbon behaviours, reduce rebound effects, and offer scalable insights for climate-friendly lifestyles. Policies that aim at influencing these values and strengthen these community networks can guide re-spending toward low-carbon options while fostering mindful consumption and well-being focused on non-material aspects, helping mitigate rebound effects. 

This policy brief introduces the concept of rebound effects and, drawing on findings from the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project, provides policy recommendations to prevent or minimise these undesirable outcomes.
