Greendependent Institute
GreenDependent Institute (GDI) is a non-profit research and consultancy organization. One of the aims of the organization is to establish links between research and implementation so that important findings can be disseminated, discussed and implemented as soon as possible. For this reason, GDI is uniquely placed to implement international projects in Hungary as it has strong links and well-established cooperation networks with multiple stakeholders at the local and national level.
GDI will be mainly responsible for leading communication and dissemination activities as well as conducting research activities in Hungary. It has extensive experience in working with citizens, communities and other stakeholders, and has successfully conducted – either as a lead organization or as a member – numerous research and community projects (e.g. H2020, FP7, IEE, national level and local programmes). In its previous projects GDI has lead various WPs successfully including communication and dissemination (ENERGISE), methodology development (COMPETE4SECAP, s@w), evaluation (CIMULACT, s@w), and has also implemented national and international communication campaigns (e.g. related to low-carbon lifestyles, zero energy homes). GDI has a long track record of involving households, at times several hundred, and multiple stakeholders in consultation as well as low-carbon lifestyle projects (e.g. EnergyNeighbourhoods, ENERGISE Living Labs, CIMULACT consultation). GDI has a good working relationship with the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary, and for several years has also cooperated with several of its members, the E.ON Hungary Group, Daikin Energy, various banks, etc. to implement sustainable lifestyles, green office and green events, etc. projects.