Pia Mamut

Pia Mamut

Pia Mamut

Research Institute for Sustainability (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam) - Coordinator

I have a background in political science (Universities of Münster and Twente) and sustainability science (Lund University). My doctoral thesis focuses on the role of sufficiency as a normative source for the energy transformation in the regional discourses of German "energy and climate model regions". One of the main findings is that sufficiency as a norm comes in different strengths in the empirical discourse, namely as sufficiency in the form of "climate-friendly behaviour", as a "sacrifice" and as a "commitment to the good life in the region". This insight also has implications for the specific mainstreaming of 1.5° lifestyles, especially if we want to promote effective transformative change. The EU 1.5° lifestyles project allows me to further explore the interplay between sufficiency-oriented lifestyles and structural barriers and enablers in a post-doctoral project.