Vanessa Mato Santiso
Vanessa Mato-Santiso, Ph.D. in economic analysis and business strategy, is an Assistant Lecturer at the School of Humanities and Documentation at the University of A Coruña. Her research focuses on (nonprofit) marketing channel strategies, corporate social responsibility, sustainability and social innovation. She was visiting fellow at the Erasmus University and researcher in the EU funded ITSSOIN project on social innovation as impact of the third sector (7th Framework Programme: 2014-2017). She is in charge of the technical secretary of the Inditex Chair on Sustainability at the UDC.
She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Management at the University of Coruña, and graduate courses in Social Responsibility and Innovation, and in Business Innovation Management.
Vanessa Mato is part of the UDC research team in the EU 1.5 Lifestyles-H2020 project.