The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project is set to present a special session at the 9th International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, on 31 August at 12:00. With the title "Discussing degrowth climate utopias with diverse stakeholders - Lessons from using the backcasting method to explore 1.5° pathways in 5 EU countries," this session aims to highlight the power of backcasting as a method for envisioning and working towards a sustainable future.
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project's special session at the Degrowth Conference in Zagreb offers the opportunity to delve into the lessons learned from utilizing the backcasting method in five European case countries. By showcasing the potential of backcasting for engaging participants with "concrete" degrowth utopias, the session aims to consider how backcasting can serve as a valuable tool for envisioning transformative change and engaging diverse stakeholders.
The 9th International Degrowth Conference:
The 9th International Degrowth Conference "Planet, People, Care: It Spells Degrowth!" will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, from 29 August – 2 September 2023. As the conference website explains, the conference is "organised by a consortium of organisations and initiatives working on degrowth in Zagreb. It will take place in multiple venues in Zagreb, centred around Zagreb Fair pavilion space."
The Conference opens in the afternoon of 29 August and ends in the afternoon of 2 September, following four full working days.
The Backcasting Method:
Backcasting is an effective, goal-oriented, and participatory method that offers solutions to multiple societal crises. It focuses on developing a vision for the future and then working backward to identify the necessary steps to achieve that vision. This approach encourages collaboration among diverse stakeholders who may face challenges in finding common ground in their day-to-day lives. By facilitating deep dialogue and idea exchange, backcasting enables participants to think beyond the limitations imposed by the current system of "Capitalist Realism." In opposition to “forecasting”, backcasting does not extrapolate on current and ongoing trends to try to come up with possible scenarios of the future. Instead, it envisions an alternative desirable future in order to try to identify what can be done to move towards this future (Köves & Király, 2021). The future date of the vision must lie far enough in the future so that participants can leave the path dependencies and lock-in effects of the present behind in their envisioning (Köves, 2015; Köves & Király, 2021).
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project utilized the backcasting method through workshops with stakeholders from business, NGOs, municipalities, media, and other decision-makers in society. These workshops provided a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement and ensured that diverse perspectives were considered in the development of sustainable pathways. By involving a range of actors, the project fostered collaboration and synergy among stakeholders who might not typically work together.
Lessons from the 5 European Case Countries:
The special session will present lessons learned from applying the backcasting method in five European case countries. Each country has its unique challenges, opportunities, and country-specific variations in the implementation of backcasting. By highlighting these case studies, the session will provide valuable insights into the potential of backcasting as a tool for facilitating dialogues and collaborations while avoiding common pitfalls such as doomism, nihilism, greenwashing, and technological utopias.
One key outcome of the backcasting session is the development of action plans and policy steps. Backcasting enables participants to break down the vision of a sustainable future into tangible actions and strategies. By identifying short-term and long-term goals, allocating resources effectively, and monitoring progress, stakeholders can move beyond abstract ideals and work towards practical solutions that contribute to the degrowth agenda.
A critical focus of the special session is exploring how backcasting can effectively engage people in the degrowth movement. The session will facilitate a 30-minute discussion on strategies for getting individuals and communities on board with degrowth principles. This interactive segment will provide an opportunity for audience members to ask questions, share insights, and participate in a dialogue aimed at fostering a collective commitment to sustainable change.
Session plan - "Discussing degrowth climate utopias with diverse stakeholders - Lessons from using the backcasting method to explore 1.5° pathways in 5 EU countries"
- 10 Minute Introduction.
- 15 Minute "Vision" exercise.
- 10 Minute Reflection: Private and pair reflection.
- 25 Minute Presentation from the 3 Case Countries.
- 30 Minutes Discussion on how to get people on board with degrowth through backcasting.
Audience Q&A.
Halliki Kreinin - WWU Münster