Reports & Outputs

The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project public outputs are listed and can be downloaded below - sorted by Work Packages (WP). To learn more about the WPs please visit this page.

[This page is updated continuously - last update: 20 November, 2024.]


WP1 - Quantitative analysis of lifestyle carbon footprints 

General information about activities, methods and outputs:

Blog article about emissions overshoots against 1.5 °C climate targets and the infographic.

Article about Analysing greenhouse gas emissions overshoot in Europe in 2030 and 2050.

Blog article about carbon footprint projections in various countries.

Conference contributions:

Special session entitled “Low-carbon lifestyles to meet the 1.5°C target” organised at the 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE) in Leiden, also including a presentation on Projecting household carbon footprints in 2030 and 2050

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Current and projected household carbon footprints of the European Union and selected G20 countries in 2030 and 2050

Peer-reviewed publications:

Journal paper about "(In)Sufficiency of industrial decarbonization to reduce household carbon footprints to 1.5°C-compatible levels" by Stephanie Cap, Arjan de Koning, Arnold Tukker, Laura Scherer. 


WP2 - Transformative strategies for households

General information about activities, methods&processes, outputs:

List of 50 low-carbon lifestyle options and the methodology for selecting them.

  • Citizen Thinking Labs exploring the acceptance of low-carbon lifestyle options:

Citizen Thinking Labs in 5 project countries and a short video about one of the events.

Blog article: 1.5 ° Lifestyle options discussed by more than 100 citizens in 5 European countries – which lifestyle changes were acceptable for our lab participants?

  • Citizen Thinking Labs exploring a vision for 2030 and pathways to 1.5° lifestyles:

Blog article: Visions of a 1.5° Future: Citizen Responses

Articles on the implementations of the thinking labs in Hungary (with video) and Spain

  • Interviewing 1.5° lifestyles pioneers:

Blog article: Lessons from the brave

Public deliverable:

Deliverable (D2.3): Effective Options For a Transition to 1.5° Lifestyles at the Household Level

Conference contributions:

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Preferences, barriers, and enablers of 1.5° Lifestyles: Findings from Citizen Thinking Labs in five EU countries

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Structural, social, and contextual challenges and resources toward a 1.5 sustainable lifestyle in five European countries

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Keeping Pace with Europe toward a Sustainable Future: Structural drivers and barriers for low-carbon lifestyles in Spain

Presentation at the eceee Summer Study 2024 about the acceptance of lifestyle options, with special focus on Hungary

Peer-reviewed publications:

Vadovics, E., Richter, J. L., Tornow, M., Ozcelik, N., Coscieme, L., Lettenmeier, M., … Scherer, L. (2024). Preferences, enablers, and barriers for 1.5°C lifestyle options: Findings from Citizen Thinking Labs in five European Union countries. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20(1).

Lehner, M., Richter, J. L., Kreinin, H., Mamut, P., Vadovics, E., Henman, J., Mont, O., & Fuchs, D. (2024). Living smaller: acceptance, effects and structural factors in the EU. Buildings and Cities, 5(1), pp. 215–230. DOI: https://doi. org/10.5334/bc.438 


WP3 - Structural constraints/enablers for 1.5 degrees lifestyles

General information about activities, methods&processes, outputs:

Article about 7 identified key structures of 1.5-degrees lifestyles 

Stakeholder Thinking Labs in 5 project countries and a short video about one of the events

Stakeholder Thinking Lab Dialogues - Strategies and Responsibilities for Driving Eco-Social Transformation (with video on the dialogues in Hungary)

Article about the European Stakeholder Thinking Lab


Executive Summary of the Deliverable (D3.2) about Stakeholder Perspectives on Structural Change

Conference contributions:

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Barriers and Enablers of 1.5° Lifestyles: Shallow and deep structural factors shaping the potential for sustainable consumption

Conference Contribution to SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action 2023 on Transformative Change to 1.5° Lifestyles and Provisioning Systems in Europe: The impact of enabling and hindering structures

Conference Contribution to 9th International Degrowth Conference – 2023 on Discussing degrowth climate utopias with diverse stakeholders

Peer-reviewed publications:

Steffen Hirth, Halliki Kreinin, Doris Fuchs, Nils Blossey, Pia Mamut, Jeremy Philipp, Isabelle Radovan and the EU 1.5° Lifestyles Consortium (2023): "Barriers and enablers of 1.5° lifestyles: Shallow and deep structural factors shaping the potential for sustainable consumption" in: Frontiers in Sustainability, Vol. 4 2023, doi: 10.3389/frsus.2023.1014662.

Kreinin, H., Fuchs, D., Mamut, P., Hirth, S., & Lange, S. (2024). Transforming provisioning systems to enable 1.5° lifestyles in Europe? Expert and stakeholder views on overcoming structural barriers. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20(1).

Lehner, M., Richter, J. L., Kreinin, H., Mamut, P., Vadovics, E., Henman, J., Mont, O., & Fuchs, D. (2024). Living smaller: acceptance, effects and structural factors in the EU. Buildings and Cities, 5(1), pp. 215–230. DOI: https://doi. org/10.5334/bc.438 


WP4 - Rebound effects and other risks at household level

General information about activities, methods&processes, outputs:

Blog article about the rebound workshops held in the 5 project case countries

Video about the rebound workshop in Hungary


Executive Summary of the Deliverable (D4.2) - Rebound and Risks Summary Report

Deliverable (D4.2) - Rebound and Risks Summary Report

Peer-reviewed publication:

Richter, J.L., Lehner, M., Elfström, A., Henman, J., Vadovics, E., Brizga, J., Plepys, A., Mont, O. (2024). 1.5° lifestyle changes: Exploring consequences for individuals and households. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 50: 511-525,


WP5 - Risks for economic and welfare systems 

General information about activities, methods&processes, outputs:

Delphi process and workshops to investigate impacts on economic and welare systems

Blog article on rethinking business models to support 1.5° lifestyles: Hot highlights from the experts

Article on expert Delphi workshops in Hungary, with video 


Executive Summary of the Deliverable (D5.1) - Scenarios for 1.5° welfare systems and business models

Deliverable (D5.2) - 1.5° Welfare and Business Models: Summary Report

Peer-reviewed publication:

Mamut, P., Fuchs, D., Becker, L., Laksevics, K., Kreinin, H., Brizga, J., (2024) From responsibility ping-pong to shared responsibility for 1.5° lifestyles? Examining European stakeholder perspectives. Bristol University Press, p. 1-22.

WP6 - Communication and outreach

Project flyers in all project partner languages 

1.5° Lifestyles Challenges (flyer)

1.5° Lifestyles for Everyone - citizen guides in five different languages (English coming soon!)


Media & press releases

Policy briefs

Ethics and data handling statement.

Recording of the national webinars on the project outcomes (coming soon!)