EU 1.5° Lifestyles on YouTube: Discover inspiring 1.5° lifestyle stories from across Europe
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EU 1.5° Lifestyles at IIASA at the 2024 EDITS Annual Meeting
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project team presented research outcomes at the EDITS meeting in IIASA on October 9th 2024.
New paper: From responsibility ping-pong to shared responsibility for 1.5° lifestyles? Examining European stakeholder perspectives
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project colleagues from RIFS and Green Liberty (Pia Mamut, Doris Fuchs, Karlis Laksevics, Lea Becker, Halliki Kreinin and Janis Brizga) have recently published a research paper…
Latest news on our research outcomes: Press Release and six Policy Briefs delineate strategies towards sustainable lifestyles
As the third year of the EU 1.5° Lifestyles comes to an end, the project results uncover pathways to achieve sustainable lifestyles in line with the Paris Agreement' s climate target.
Findings show…
Our latest newsletter is out
Check out the latest newsletter of the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project!
1.5° Challenges campaign has started
In the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project we are inviting everyone to start changing their lifestyle so that we all become agents of change for 1.5° living. In order to support this change, among other things…
Comparison of Meal Carbon Footprints at a Festival
Interest in the environmental impact and carbon footprints of food is growing in Finland. At the New Age Building Festival (Uuden ajan rakentamisen festivaali or URF), held in Kerava, Finland, from…
Good Future Morning Coffee event
On October 1, 2024, the SISU consortium hosted the "Good Future Morning Coffee," a thought-provoking event focused on sustainable lifestyles and the essential changes needed in our mindset and…
News from INCITE-DEM sister project
Our sister project, the EU-funded ‘INCITE-DEM : Citizens Reinventing Democracy’ aims at enhancing inclusive participation and civic engagement, while expanding democratic innovation and dynamic…
News from our sister project - Climate CAMPAIGNers
Our sister project, Climate CAMPAIGNers, has come to an end, but its impact continues thanks to a new exploitation strategy developed by the Energy Institute at JKU Linz and SB Konzept GmbH. The app…
MAIA project and EU 1.5° Lifestyles
EU's 1.5° Lifestyles was presented at the MAIA project meeting on 18 July. The event focused on fostering collaboration between EU climate change adaptation and mitigation projects. Participants…
Join the Sustainable Living Summit online!
On October 15, the Sustainable Living Summit will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss how we can enable more sustainable lifestyle choices. This major Nordic conference will…