Lund University Sustainable Travel Stories: Redefining Travel Quality in a Climate Crisis
Our colleague from Lund University, Jessika Luth Richter, shares her insights into how her conscious choice for sufficient travelling options in the face of the climate crisis has shaped her…
New Report on Food in Germany Highlights Plant-based Diets as a Path Towards 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
Our current food and agriculture system accounts for approximately one-third of the earth’s greenhouse gas emissions. It is a significant contributor to climate change and in many cases it causes…
Citizen Thinking Lab in Hungary – Vision for 2030
What would 1.5° lifestyles look like? And the road towards them?
GreenDependent Institute organised a second Citizen Thinking Lab on 28 October 2023 in Hungary.
Pathways for 1.5° Lifestyles for households: Citizen Thinking Labs in Spain
On October 7th, the University of A Coruña hosted the 2nd round of Citizen Thinking Labs (CTL 2), one of the five planned thinking labs within the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project. The Faculty of Economics…
University of Münster provides insights on eco-social transformation in Witten and Halle
The University of Münster team has been contributing to the field of environmental and societal transformation with recent presentations of early research paper drafts as part of the EU 1.5°…
EU 1.5° team contributes to the degrowth tapestry
Conference contribution to 9th International Degrowth Conference – 2023 on Discussing degrowth climate utopias with diverse stakeholders.
EU 1.5° Lifestyles Newsletter - Issue 4 - 2023 August
As we are now into the third year of the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project, we have a lot of news for you. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading about our work, let us know about any feedback you may…
Presentation of the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project and Climate Puzzle at the German Business Guild meeting
"The climate is changing. Are we changing too?" – this was the question members of the German Business Guild (Wirtschaftsgilde) asked themselves at their 73rd winter meeting. The meeting in Segl Maria…
Climate Puzzle for Germany now publicly available
EU 1.5° Lifestyles project partner D-mat has brought on the market the Klimapuzzle, a German version of the original Climate Puzzle, which also served as a basis for the Climate Puzzles developed for…
Spreading the Word for Sustainable Lifestyles: Contribution from the EU 1.5° Lifestyles Project to ICEP and SCORAI
This summer has been quite productive for the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project team. Our colleagues from the University of A Coruña (UDC) Adina Claudia Dumitru, Luisa Losada Puente and Nadin Ozcelik…
Supporting 1.5-degree living: energy citizenship in Europe
Most of us need some support, encouragement, inspiration or more technical kind of assistance for leading 1.5-degree lifestyles. Getting involved in energy citizenship initiatives may give us exactly…
Climate change threatens freshwater fish biodiversity and its role in ecosystem functioning
Climate change could become the biggest threat to biodiversity within this century. Predictions into the future can make decision-makers aware of the potential impacts on biodiversity and support…