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Executive Summary of Stakeholder Perspectives on Structural Change
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project aims to highlight the importance of political acceptance for change, demonstrating the potential contributions of individuals and households, and identifying areas where limited household agency requires intervention from policymakers and structural changes. One of the main aims of the project is to connect analyses of lifestyle perspectives at the household level…
Exploring the Potential Impacts of Lifestyle Changes on Economic and Welfare Systems
In an effort to assess the potential effects of lifestyle changes on economic and welfare systems, a Policy Delphi process was carried out in several European countries. This innovative approach gathered expert opinions through a series of workshops, aiming to evaluate the feasibility and desirability of welfare system policies and business models that align with 1.5-degree lifestyles. In this blog post, we will delve into the methodology, key…
New Paper Explores (Deep) Structural Factors for Achieving a 1.5° World
As global concerns about climate change continue to escalate, the need for sustainable consumption and lifestyles has become more urgent than ever. While individual behaviour change plays a critical role, it alone cannot drive the necessary changes. True sustainability requires a deeper understanding of the structures that shape our consumption patterns and the societal context in which they…
Zagreb Degrowth conference - Special Session on "Lessons from using the backcasting method"
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project is set to present a special session at the 9th International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, on 31 August at 12:00. With the title "Discussing degrowth climate utopias with diverse stakeholders - Lessons from using the backcasting method to explore 1.5° pathways in 5 EU countries," this session aims to highlight the power of backcasting as a method for envisioning and…
SCP23 Conference with various EU 1.5° Lifestyles contributions
Several EU 1.5° Lifestyles team members participated at the SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference in Wageningen, NL, taking place under the title "Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures".
Expert Delphi workshop in Hungary on 1.5° lifestyles
A two-day workshop about the role of welfare policies and the opportunities to transform business models in order to achieve 1.5° lifestyles.
Happier, healthier, and richer through 1.5° lifestyles?
What happens to my social relationships, my bank balance and my time if I live in a climate-friendly way? Do I invest more time and money in other activities, or do I rather save them? How do my social relationships change? How will my health change?
Contributions to SCORAI Conference 2023!
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project consortium will present its latest and forthcoming research during the collaborative 5th SCORAI and 21st ERSCP conference, scheduled to be held in Wageningen, Netherlands from July 5th to 8th, 2023.
EU 1.5° Lifestyles Contributions to SCORAI Conference 2023
As part of the joint 5th SCORAI and 21st ERSCP conference, taking place July 5-8, 2023 in Wageningen, Netherlands, the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project presents recent and upcoming research.
Thursday, July 6, A01:
Barriers and Enablers of 1.5° Lifestyles: Shallow and Deep Structural Factors Shaping Lifestyles and Climate Governance
Halliki Kreinin, University of Münster, Münster, Germany,
Steffen Hirth, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom,
Presenters: Halliki Kreinin,
Pia Mamut, (in
Watch a short video about the Hungarian Rebound Effects Workshop
As we reported earlier, the Hungarian workshop on 20 May 2023, organised by GreenDependent Institute, took place successfully and in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere in Budapest.
EU 1.5° Lifestyles Consortium reply: European Commission’s EU climate target for 2040
The EU 1.5° Lifestyles project was invited to provide an official input and recommendations for the EU climate target for 2040 public consultation.
Where do you want to spend your carbon budget?
There is more and more talk about carbon budgets in climate policy, but when it comes to business and lifestyles, this is not yet the case. Decisions as individuals and businesses are still made mostly based on resources such as money and time. When we measure environmental impacts, such as carbon footprints, we focus on what has already happened and what we might be able to learn from it. Why not flip the question and start talking from a carbon…